I won't say severely raped, all rape is severe. The rapist was a person very well known to my family. I was hospitalized. The rapist was let out of jail and was found dead that night. And the police suggested that the rapist had been kicked to death. I was seven and a half. I thought that I had caused the man's death. That was my seven and a half year old logic.
So I stopped talking for five years.
Now, to show you again how out of evil there can come good, in those five years, I read every book in the black school library, I read all the books I could get from the white school library, I memorized Shakespeare, whole plays, fifty sonnets. I memorized Edgar Allan Poe, all the poetry. Never having heard it, I memorized it. I had Longfellow, I had Guy de Maupassant, I had Balzac, Rudyard Kipling.
When I decided to speak, I had a lot to say, and many ways in which to say what I had to say.
So out of this evil, which was a dire kind of evil, because rape on the body of a young person, more often tan not introduces cynicism, and there is nothing quite so tragic as a young cynic. Because it means the person has gone from knowing nothing to believing nothing. In my case, I was saved in that muteness. And I was able to draw from human thought, human disappointments and triumphs, enough to triumph myself.
Mais pourquoi ces paroles me touchent tant ? ... oh il faut que vous regardiez la video, Maya Angelou est si belle ... tout, dans les traits de son visage, dans ses yeux, dans la lente et sûre marche de sa voix, comme une barque tranquille sur un large et puissant fleuve, ... oui, elle incarne une puissance qui me fait défaut, que j'aimerais faire mienne, ... Elle a triomphé.
Parce qu'elle nomme simplement, et précisément, ce qu'elle a subi à sept ans et demi. Evil. Mais, une fois la chose nommée, la chose est conjurée. Ce ne fut pas facile (cinq années de silence, et d'après mon survol de sa page wikipedia, une vie mouvementée). Mais elle nous montre que du bien peut encore émerger de ce mal.
Oui. Oui. Dit comme ça, c'est un cliché. Mais il y a tant de sincérité, tant d'innocence dans sa tenue. Comme dire «je t'aime»; combien de dents roulantes ont usé ces mots si simples, et pourtant, quelle force!
Peut-être que je projette trop. Et il est bon que je le craigne. Je voudrais dire «ô ma soeur», mais, ma langue dans l'huile d'ambivalence, qui sait ?, peut-être «ô soeur sur le trône que je convoite». Enfin, qui dit que ce trône ne peut accueillir qu'une seule couronne de lauriers ? ah ma morgue ...
Et puis «rape on the body of a young person, more often than not introduces
cynicism, and there is nothing quite so tragic as a young cynic. Because
it means the person has gone from knowing nothing to believing nothing.» ... eh bien ... je ne sais plus quoi dire.
Ou peut-être.
ô soeur lointaine,
assomption de poussière
comme une fine voile d'azur,
tu illustres le lever
du flottant soleil blanc.
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